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Air Quality Assessments

Our air quality team specializes in the preparation of air quality and greenhouse gas assessments for a variety of projects, including mixed-use infill developments, transportation improvements, and school expansions. 


We use air quality tools (CalEEMod and EMFAC) to estimate mass emissions of air pollutants and dispersion models (AERMOD) to estimate concentrations of toxic air contaminants. Based on our modeling results, we analyze potential health risks to nearby sensitive receptors exposed to air pollution. We also identify control measures to effectively reduce potential air quality impacts below threshold levels established by federal, state, and/or local agencies.  


We closely follow the ever-changing regulatory scene of greenhouse gas emissions and provide comprehensive analyses to determine a project’s emissions and its consistency with regulations and planning goals. We also specialize in the preparation of project-level greenhouse gas inventories and reduction plans for large-scale projects.

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