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Hazardous Materials Assessments

Baseline performs Phase I Environmental Site Assessments to support environmental review of projects under CEQA. The purpose of these assessments is to identify contaminants of potential concern in soil, groundwater, soil gas, and/or building materials that could pose an environmental or human health risk. Typical projects include infill development, major transportation improvements, and Brownfield redevelopment. Our staff are thoroughly familiar with the contaminants of potential concern in urban and rural environments and can recommend measures to minimize potential effects to the project cost, scope, and/or schedule.

Baseline also performs Phase II Environmental Site Investigation to evaluate the chemical quality of soils and groundwater to determine future management and/or remediation options. We handle all aspects of the investigation, including oversight of drilling operations, traffic control, permitting, and laboratory analysis of soil and water samples. Baseline geologists and engineers also have experience with site remediation, such as soil excavations, tank removals, chemical injections, and soil vapor extraction.  

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Vapor Sampling SV-2a.HEIC
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